Hi, my name is Irena.
I am an Acupuncturist and Natural Fertility Guide. Most importantly, I am mum to a little boy called Leon who I conceived naturally at 40. I want to show you how to look after your fertility, regulate periods and get pregnant naturally.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an invaluable source of information on female health and the foundation on which I have built my expertise. I look at TCM advice through the lens of modern science, research, and challenges currently relevant to women aged 35+.
Do you want to learn how to live with your cycle and make it work for you?
Do you suffer from irregular periods?
Do you ever experience a sudden change in menstrual cycle length?
Do you want to understand the causes of and solutions to irregular menstruation?
Do you want to know how to regulate periods naturally?
Do you want to understand ovulation and its signs at the age of over 35 or 40?
Do you want tips for getting pregnant naturally at 37, 39 or 40?
Would you like to learn about natural remedies to help you get pregnant?
Do you want to know how to boost fertility in your 30s and 40s?
Do you want to understand fertility nutrition and learn about:
- The best foods to increase fertility
- Foods to improve female egg quality
- Foods to avoid when trying to get pregnant
- Foods to eat during specific parts of each cycle?
If you have answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, this blog is for you.

Reminders that you are middle–aged and how old that is. You know when your birthdays are and can probably count!
Lectures about how your fertility declines with age. There is no denying that it does. Many sources focus on the fertility decline, so let me skip that bit.
Some fix-it-all "silver bullets" or "magic pills" for £29.99. Boosting fertility at 35+ takes effort, and I focus on what works.

Irena Lenc is an acupuncturist specialising in natural fertility, women’s health and pain conditions, which commonly come together.
She runs her practice at the Heaton Acupuncture Clinic which is the biggest acupuncture clinic in the Nort East of England
Irena trained at the prestigious Northern College of Acupuncture in York, renowned for pioneering medical research on Acupuncture effectiveness. Upon completing a Bachelor Degree in Science honours, she advanced her skillset by post graduate training in Master Tung Acupuncture and continue to expand her knowledge on Chinese Medicine Lifestyle therapy by completing Chinese Medicine Nutrition Diploma at NCA.
Irena describes practicing holistic medicine as one of the greatest joys of her life and is particularly interested in lifestyle changes that help the body restore to health. Seemingly minor adjustments to how we go about our day combined with sleep and nutrition, can result in outstanding results.
Irena has spent years studying and testing them in real-life scenarios and is exited to help other women and couples trying to conceive to accelerate on their journey to parenthood.
As a passionate advocate of natural health and its place in modern life and healthcare, Irena is excited to see and contribute to the growing body of evidence about lifestyle influence on optimal fertility. Although scientific research on sleep, nutrition and lifestyle at large is ever developing, we are already witnessing an incredibly positive transformation in the western approach to the body's ability to re-calibrate and heal itself. This is largely thanks to all of the amazing work done by daring writers such as Micheal Polan (Harvard University professor) and researchers such us Ted Kaptchuk (Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School) Tim Spencer (Professor of Genetic Epidemiology at King’s College London) Mathew Walker (Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley ) just to name the few.
Irena belongs to a growing number of holistic practitioners pioneering an all-inclusive lifestyle-based approach to improving fertility and is exited to bring all that valuable knowledge on how to boost fertility to a wider audience. To sum it up in her own words “After all, we pick our battles, and this one is mine”
Outside work, Irena has a fun and busy life as a mum to a three-year-old boy Leon. Enjoy getting out and about, connecting with nature and running out some of the endless energy. The rest is cuddles, movie nights and a lot of cooking together.
Are you Interested in reading papers on how Lifestyle factors benefit reproductive health?
You might find these articles useful:
Lifestyle factors and reproductive health: taking control of your fertility
Effects of lifestyle factors on fertility: practical recommendations for modification
Sleep, sleep disturbance, and fertility in women
Human fertility and sleep disturbances: A narrative review
Impact of sleep on female and male reproductive functions: a systematic review